Gonen Gubre, located in Gonen, Balikesir, is Turkiye's largest integrated renewable energy and organic fertiliser plant. They use only organic raw materials and operate with the most advanced technology developed over many years. Their supreme quality, meeting International Standards, is the result of the more than 20 years manufacturing experience of the founders of the company.

Their products are developed and refined for different needs and application methods, they can be categorised into 3 main groups - Organic Liquid Fertilisers, Organic Solid Fertilisers and Humic Acid.

Their facilities are located on a 5 hectare (12.4 acre) land plot and have the manufacturing capacity of 20,000 metric tonnes of Solid Fertiliser, 15,000 metric tonnes of Liquid Fertiliser and 10,000 metric tonnes of Humic Acid, per year.

All their products have manufacturing licences issued by Republic of Turkiye Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. They are regularly tested in their own laboratories, located within the plant, in order to ensure the continuity of the best quality of product at all times



Design-build turnkey construction of liquid humic acid plant

Location : Balikesir, Turkiye
Capacity : 10,000 tonnes / year
Provider : Altaca Energy
Design : Altaca Engineering